Month: April 2022

Sencillamente ideal.

“Interpretado con criterio interesante, fuerza, un buen rango dinámico, una pulcritud extrema y un sonido muy hermoso, para mí sencillamente ideal. […] Detrás de las ideas portentosas dispuestas por Bach, hay un intérprete… que respira, vive y da vida y sonido a esas ideas. Con total naturalidad. Esta es la palabra: la interpretación de Pedro Sencillamente ideal.

Mario Mora

Mario Mora, pianist, teacher and communicator, has been hailed as “an excellent pianist” (Roberto San Juan, Mundo Clásico) and “a rising star of the piano who is already a brilliant soloist” (G. García-Alcalde, La Provincia). He has also been praised for the “sensitivity and mastery of his playing and phrasing” (Cristina Rodríguez, Docenotas), with one critic Mario Mora

Lorenzo Meseguer

Professor of cello at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Castilla y León in Salamanca, Lorenzo Meseguer combines his teaching activity with his performing career. He is currently a member of the prestigious City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra as well as the Balthasar Neumann Ensemble in Freiburg. Born in Murcia , he earned a place at Lorenzo Meseguer

Josep Colom, en el Ciclo de Grandes Intérpretes de la Fundación Scherzo.

Josep Colom interpretará, enel Auditorio Nacional, dentro del Ciclo de Grandes Intérpretes de la Fundación Scherzo, los 12 Estudios op. 25 de Chopin, el Preludio, Coral y Fuga de Franck y una selección de estudios de Montgeroult.

Greatly impressed.

“Trio Arriaga must have put their entire heart and soul into this reading, and the result is most disturbing in all its expressions. From the eerie, desolate start, the nervosity in the ‘Allegro con Brio’ (and virtuoso it is), via the ‘tristesse’ in the third, to the brooding outcry and subsequent resilience in the final Greatly impressed.